....upholding artificial barriers since 2007 Don't screw with my mind. It's offensive

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

You know very well...

"You know very well.
What you are

You’re my sugar thing
My chocolate star.

I've had a few
but not that many

You're the only one
That gives me good and plenty

I have nothing to write. If I wrote from my heart it would be too personal.

I'm like the ground hog these days. Call me Puxatony Say Yeah!… Everybody’s waiting for me to stick my head out of the ground.

See it's my fault. I let too many people get to know the public persona, not the real me.

The real me is a recluse. A true introvert.
I like being in intimate settings. And prefer to be intimately by myself. Don't know how that sounds but you know what I mean. So you think I'm going to be sitting a round a room full of cackling women opening gifts... as Bill Cosby's mother would say, you've got another thing coming. But anyway, how you going to kill my dog and not expect me to kill your cat?

Don’t come around asking me what the problems is. You killed my cat. I mean if you know people have sacred cows, why test them? And try to apologize or act as if it never happened?

I'm starting a new life.

Ha ha! And some people are just not going to be in it; at all. Et al. Some are going to make only cameo appearances. Some are going to be there, but not as principal, you know, just in the background. And I am sorry but it is not now or was it ever your decision to make. I choose who will be a part of my life.

I know I maybe taking that a little too far and may miss some but that's the chance I'll have to take. Forget whoever said keep your friends close and your enemies closer. I'll keep genuine people close, and friends that act like enemies can let the doorknob hit em.

I rather a person stay characteristically bad at least I know where they are coming from. The person who claims to be your friend and then does you in, in the end or sinks the ship, I don't need that.

Just talking to ya. I'm just talking to Ya.