Is this our Image, Bill Cosby?
I’m kind of sitting with an eary set of expectation for the NAACP Trumpet awards…they are honoring Bill Cosby tonight. My friends and I have been discussing him this week.
So tonight as Cosby has done with so many black elite organizations, I am wondering if he will spew his chiding tonight on LIVE national T.V. a venue he has not had in the past two years to deliver his rant on the socially disadvantaged classes of blacks, who squander their earning on non-appreciating assets, can’t read, don’t value education, Name their children ghetto names.
SO I’m going to sit back and watch and see what he does.
Get back to you
Well, I've already given my opinion on Cosby but since I was only peeking during commercial breaks (season finale of Psych...gotta support my Jamaican peeps, y'know?), I don't know what happened...
I hope he didn't disappoint...
1:06 PM
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