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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Stop Blaming God

…and the devil for that matter.

I must admit before I started my graduate career, I was on the other side of this argument. But now I am afraid I have sided with my Profs.

Basically the thought is this, people blame supernatural forces for far too influence for things that we are responsible for.

When it’s a Tsunami in predominately Muslim & Hindu countries it is the judgment of God on the heathen. But when it is a flood in the largest catholic state in the Union (Louisiana) it has nothing to do with Him at all. We suspend science, good sense, cause and effect and even ideas that have a Christian equivalent like karma (call it, yin yang, universal law or whatever) whenever it suits.

When things are unexplainable, fall into the category of judgment, or what we call a “blessing” we default to God. When things are hurtful, painful, unfair we default to the devil. With no ability to discern why God did not intervene in this instance.

There as got to be more to the deal. We cannot just simply attribute things to God that is beneficial to our thinking or our cause, and dismiss everything that does not go for us as attempt by the devil to derail us. And further more the going between one pole to the next isn’t as simple as the battle between good and evil, wouldn’t that be acknowledging equivalence of powers?

I have not settle this in my mind. But I know that I have had more than a few coincidences in life attribute to the hand of God than I need. Not that I’m trying to predict His activity, and put God in a box. I would rather have a more consistent reliable barometer of the activity of God.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great insight!!

Also, great reading. I'll be here more often!

10:26 AM

Blogger Say Yeah said...

Thanks, even though I wrote this a while ago, i revisited the thinking Wednesday evening when BET profiled Carlton Pearson on "Exalted", a pentecostal preacher who was disavowed by Oral Roberts university for trying to tackle the issues of Cosmic Dualism, basically the question of whether Satan/The Devil is powerful enough to remove God's creation from His hand wouldn't that make him (The Devil) just as powerful as God? And if so, do I really believe in him(Satan) and his equally powerful domain Hell?

I haven't answered that question fully myself.

3:48 PM


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