....upholding artificial barriers since 2007 Don't screw with my mind. It's offensive

Sunday, December 18, 2005

handle my biz, I scramble like Randal with his

(Randal's a former member of NSBE)
I have been derelict on blogging these days. Finals and issues. But Thursday I wanted to but it’s been a couple of days since, and it wasn’t until my mom asked me about the apprentice finale, that I thought again about blogging on it.

To understand you one must first know that I belief that the apprentice is one of the most riveting shows on television. I feel this way partly because of the fact that the apprentice shows the reality of racism in America on T.V. So much to my …(Surprise? Chagrin? Delight? I don’t know you pick one.) Donald Trump hired the first Black Apprentice in four tries.

Now wait a minute… If you ask me ( and by default you have by reading my blog) there was still racism in this selection.

Let me give you a little background, not assuming you watched.

First off, Randal scared me in the beginning the first week his grandma died and he left to go to the funeral. I just knew they were going to jump on it. But much to my (Surprise? Chagrin? Delight?) they embraced Randal, including Trump and told him to go and be with his family. It didn’t hurt him.

Ok, so the next week Randal comes back to lead his team to it’s second victory. Going on in the season, whenever Trump decides to give the losing team and advantage by letting them pick someone from the winning team they pick Randal. Danger, he looks good because he’s obviously the most coveted player, but then he’s been picked to go on the losing team and thereby has been placed in a loosing situation. This happened three times.

Now you also must understand this about Randal, he owns his own corporation with five of his ( black ) college cohorts. He holds five degrees (can’t you just hear a Kanye sketch?), one from MIT (arguably the best science and engineering school in the world) and he studied at Oxford (Oxford? In England? Yes!)

So fast forward to the finale. First off Randal has a task that was to be held in a baseball park, compared to his counterpart’s indoor event. It rained on his parade (and even if he had the tent he still wouldn’t have been able to hold his event outside) he pulled it off. Just like Kwame pulled his off. Not to mentioned raised $11,000.00 for charity verses the other girl’s 0 (yup that’s the number zero, not an ‘O’, zip, zilch, nada.)

*Sidebar* The sister stood by him and worked with and for him. Just like sisters really do. I want to hear the same level of voices praising Marshon as were criticizing Omerosa.

Well when trump finally got to the board room all he could say negatively about Randal was that he was too nice. The other girl was only 23, who knows where she went to school and if she’s coming straight from the workforce or the college. The only thing she could say about Randal was that “education is not everything.” All Randal had to say was, her record is 1-2 and mine is 3-0.
When Trump finally got to the hiring he said Randal… and paused for what seemed like 30 seconds… you’re hired. But check this…how bout he asked him if he should hire the other girl too.

Randal: “It’s called the apprentice, not the aprenti” “No Mr. Trump.”
Was that hidden racism? My take on it all? Why did he wait until he got a black apprentice to ask if we should hire the runner up? You’ll see Randal as much as you see the big nosed girl that he last hired and that he only felt ok with hiring him because his model girlfriend is pregnant. Can’t wait to next season.

* This just in, I went looking for pictures of Randal and there on the news articles, apprentice fans are sounding off about Randal’s selfishness? Racism’s still alive, they just be concealing it. Here is another perspective on it from palm beach post and another good one especially the comments by A x B http://blog.inc.com/archives/2005/12/16/donald_trumps_apprentice_finale.html*


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