T.D. Fakes...On the Black News Media?
The Bishop T.D. Jakes the most voluminous voice amongst today’s African American preachers, in a journalism event spoke of reconciliation between the black church and the black press. But when it came time to put his money where his mouth is did he bulk? The black press in Atlanta asked for advertising dollars during his Mega fest week held in the city of Atlanta, and heard back that there wasn't any money in the budget. Now since the black press has been critical of his non-financial support he claims they're using yellow journalism tactics.
How dare anyone criticize Bishop Jakes? The one that TIME magazine dubbed “America’s Best Preacher.” And now in turn the Bishop has been very critical of the black press and it's so called "yellow journalism" tactics.
My question is, the [black] prophetic voice of America. The supposed Martin Luther King Jr. of his day, the one who has the ear of the world. When it comes time to critcize an institution who does he pick?
1. The Global Economy and International Monetary Fund? No.
2. Institutionalized Racism? No.
3. The U.S. Government and its policies? No.4. The War in Iraq? No.
Who then?
Black Journalism.
Why is that?
Check out the article and then check out what Dr. King said when in the posistion of a T.D. Jakes
MLK prophecy http://www.bushflash.com/mlk2005.html
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